Need a Redo?

At Blo, our entire team of professionals is committed to your satisfaction. No one here sets out to make a guest unhappy intentionally. If you are not satisfied with your service, whether it be anything ranging from the tone of the color or highlights t,o the amount of texture in your hair cut or the length of your bangs, we want you to feel comfortable calling us and giving us the opportunity to adjust it to your liking.

If you notice the problem right away, please speak up to your Designer. If they have time to adjust it right then, they will. If what needs to be adjusted requires additional time that they don’t have available to them at the moment, they will escort you to Guest Services and get you in as quickly as possible based on your schedule and the designer’s availability.

If when you get home you notice after playing with your hair yourself it needs to be tweaked or it’s just not what you had in mind, just pick up the phone and call us. Guest Services will leave a message for your Designer to call you back and schedule you based on your needs.

It is important to note that we strongly encourage you to schedule your re-do with the original Designer. In our experience this has the highest success rate. The reason is that the two of you have already communicated with each other and have a running dialogue that another Designer would not be privy to.

If, after you work with the same Designer for your re-do and you are still not satisfied, leave me a message on extension 5 and I will make sure I put you with someone who you may be better suited for. This is not something that ANY of our designers take personally. We know we aren’t going to make everyone happy every time and we accept that.

Where our focus lies is in how we handle the situation. We can’t help you or make it right if we don’t know about it.

It is also important to realize that just because you are not happy, most often it is not a reflection on the competency level of the Designer. Hair can be an emotional thing and we are very sensitive to that. Your image is important to us and in order for us to get it right, sometimes we may need another opportunity to work with you so we can ensure your satisfaction.

One thing is for certain, once we get it, we’ve got it and you can feel comfortable that we will make notes in our computer system to reflect the results of the time and effort you and your Designer invested in each other.

So, if for any reason you are not happy with your service, Please, we want you to feel comfortable calling us. Don’t give in to that old stigma that many guests suffer from which says “I’d better not call them because they might get mad at me,” or “I told her I didn’t want such and such and she gave it to me anyways. She didn’t listen and they don’t know what they’re doing over there.”

These are not productive and in no way will lead you to where you ultimately want to be. Give us the opportunity. We WILL make it right. I assure you. Communication plays a big role in whether or not a plan is executed properly. The consultation is where most mishaps happen so look for how to have a productive consultation in our Hot Tips section in the coming weeks.