Thoughts On A Growing Company

Thanks to many people we have come a long way from March 8, 2005 when we opened with two owners and two team members. Many of you may remember our front desk being a temporary piece of plywood and our computer system consisting of my laptop only. The bar stools we took from our old studio were our front desk chairs and we had no waiting area furniture.

As many of you know, today Blo is a globally recognized salon for its success and business practices — ranging from creative employee benefits programs to marketing and client philosophy. As I reflect on the first five years of this journey the thing I am most proud of are the heartbeats that I’ve had the fortune of connecting with. My team, my guests, my distributors, my manufacturers.

The relationships I’ve been fortunate enough to foster through this organization is mind-blowing. Many of you have taken the time to congratulate us on our growth.

First, please let me say a sincere thank you and also acknowledge your role in it for without you there is no Blo.  Second, I’d like you all to know that Blo has no magic formula.  None of us see ourselves as Vidal Sassoon, Beth Minardi, or Trevor Sorbie.  We are simply a group of people who are committed to accountability when it comes to personal and professional growth. We support each other and are passionate about our industry.

The results of this are five years and 20 straight quarters of growth. Now that we’re on the verge of this expansion, I want to communicate the philosophy and priorities behind the design of the new space.  Like many successful businesses, Blo has been committed to developing and managing efficient systems during the past five years. Our systems have put us in the position to have an impact in more lives than we currently have room for, so this opportunity is one we couldn’t pass up.

At the same time, it is important to us that what makes Blo special remain intact. The intimacy of the experience, the openness, the music, and the well-trained team are all important for us to sustain. The physical build-out of this space will have to pass the litmus test of maintaining those key attributes before it will be approved.

It is important that YOUR experience does not regress, but instead that it improves. We are very cognizant that there is the potential negative perception for a salon the size of Blo to be perceived as “too big for its britches,” becoming a warehouse of hair.

It is our chief goal to maintain the intimate, quality, unique experience you’ve grown accustomed to. This will be a focus down to the smallest detail. We are committed to getting better and we look forward to this new chapter in the evolution of Blo.

Thank you, again, for choosing Blo.

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